National Organization for Women
Families Against Court Travesties, Inc.
Ban Assault Weapons NOW petition
FL Coalition Against DV Hotline 800-500-1119, Option #3- You can leave a message for an attorney who will call you back within 24 hours and you can ask questions. They can let you know what the laws are. They cannot represent anyone but can be a resource of direction.
Getting onto the Florida Women’s Resource Directory
Sept 1916 page from Palm Beach Post re women’s suffrage
The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls’ Story
By Beverly Jones, Pennsylvania NOW ByLaws commentary, Part 1
and Part 2, August 1973, Hershey Pennsylvania (Note that Beverly Jones is a member of our chapter!)
Beverly Jones 1968–redstockings-toward female liberation by Beverly Jones and Judith Brown
Beverly Jones–Toward’s Female Liberation Movement, 1970 excerpt in 4 sections: Pages 1 to 7, pages 8 to 14, pages 15 to 20, and pages 21 to 25.
The Recovery Village® | an Advanced Recovery Systems Brand contains information on how to leave an abusive relationship, how to help a victim of domestic violence, and more.
Floridian Same Sex Couples Sue in Miami-Dade Court for Right to Marry
Florida American Civil Liberties Union (FL ACLU)
From a rehab organization: “My name is Carly Johnson, … I joined the community outreach team at Alcohol Rehab an alcohol abuse resource site that provides information about alcohol addiction and the various types of treatment programs. Including on this page will help provide further treatment options as well as additional information for individuals coping with alcohol abuse.” Consumer Safety Guide was created to keep the public informed about consumer dangers and safety issues associated with numerous products that can cause the public harm. They say: “Our website is constantly being updated with the most recent information on the most popular prescription medications and FDA-approved medical devices that could be endangering your health or putting your loved ones at risk. Our mission is to keep you informed and help you make the most educated decisions about your health care!”
AI Degree Guide / Gender Equity in AI
Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Programs Aimed at Women Guide.
High Schooler’s Guide to Preparing for an Engineering College
What is Considered Sexual Assault? A Guide on Sexual Assault, a guide to some of the most common questions on sexual assault, such as:
- What Is Considered Sexual Assault?
- Is Sexual Assault Considered Rape?
- What Are My Rights After A Sexual Assault incident?
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