PBC NOW Postcard Party at Compass, March 13, 2025
PBC NOW Brainstorming Meeting, January 10, 2025
This was our first PBCNOW meeting with other women-focused organizations and individuals on 1/10. As we move into the challenges of 2025, we recognize the need to increase communication and collaboration. Thanks to the individuals and groups who participated and / or sent information.
- Reproductive Rights and Justice
- Economic Justice
- Racial Justice
- Constitution Equality (also Legal & Legislative)
- LGBTQIA+ Rights
- Ending Violence Against Women
Postcard Party, October 3, 2024
20+ folks signed off on almost 1,000 postcards! Thanks everyone! Thanks especially to PBC NOW Treasurer, Janet Clark, who orchestrated and organized all these important gatherings!
Postcard Party at Compass Community Center, Sept 5, 2024
30+ folks, including CEO Julie Seaver, participated in a very successful Postcard Party! We hope to see you at the next event!
Women’s Equality Day, Women WILL Save Democracy, August 26, 2024
Another inspiring event with 100+ attending! PinkSlip Duo music, socializing and refreshments.
Mayor Maria Sachs was the superb mistress of ceremonies!
Bella Abzug Award winner: Felicia Goldstein presented by Senator Lori Berman
Award plaque presented to Francine Sachs by Mona Reis
Speakers included Congresswoman Frankel, Ana-Maria Acosta for Harris/Walz campaign, Kathi Gundloch President PBC League of Women Voters, Laura Goodhue from Planned Parenthood to ‘VOTE YES ON 4’, PBC NOW President Sheila Jaffe and Graphic Designer Bob Jaffe urged men to step up. We were delighted that some endorsed candidates could join us! Check our WiN NOW page names and information: 2024 Endorsements
The Pink Slip Duo is South Florida’s go-to, progressive band. For 15 years they have presented their musical lecture sing-along programs at playhouses, FAU lifelong learning, and community clubhouses for progressive events. http://PinkSlipBand.com
Postcard Party, August 17, 2024
We alerted folks that their signatures on a petition did not match the one on file with the Supervisor of Elections. We will hold more Postcard Parties in September and October. Join us next time!
Memorial for Rabbi Barry Silver, April 20, 2024
Over 100 people participated in the event. Thanks to Mayor Sachs, Mark Offerman, and our team for pulling together for this. Inspiring music was provided throughout by Pink Slip, Cecilia St. King, and Cantor Carol Garrett. May Rabbi Silver’s memory be a blessing. He taught us all so much.
BIG Rally in Orlando to End the 6 Week Abortion Ban! April 13, 2024
PBC PRIDE Parade and Event, March 24, 2024
Although Saturday was postponed due to heavy rain and the threat of thunderstorms, this year’s PRIDE was another successful event!!!
PBC PRIDE Event and Parade, March 25-26, 2023
PBC NOW 50 Anniversary Proclamation, March 14, 2023
PBC NOW 50th Year Anniversary + Feminist Awards Ceremony, February 12, 2023
Feminist of the Year
Rabbi Barry Silver, Esq.
Blood, Sweat and Tears Awards
Janet Clark
Bob Jaffe

Women’s Equality Day, August 27, 2022
Held at the Delray Beach Library in person and on Zoom.
Generations of Feminists !
From our intern, Emma, about her family.
Reproductive Freedom Rallys in WPB + Delray Beach, June 24-26, 2022
From WPTV.com:
Reproductive Freedom for All! Rally, Delray Beach, May 14, 2022
The crowd was 500-600 strong and energetic! Let’s keep up the momentum!
Parents + Children Zoom Panel, May 1, 2022
A Proclamation to Recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the State of Florida, April 26, 2022
Feminist Awards Picnic, March 20, 2022
80+ of us celebrated a wonderful Feminist Awards picnic!

PBC PRIDE, March 26-27, 2022
Guardianship Zoom Panel, Dec. 7, 2021
Demonstrating for Waking Up Family Courts, Nov. 18, 2021
Our Webinar “The Domestic Violence Epidemic and How to Prevent It” was a Success on Oct. 23, 2021
Click here to view the Zoom webinar. (1 hr, 28 min)
Rally for Reproductive Rights, October 2, 2021
Our table in WPB
Great Turnout in WPB
Almost 500 Participated in Delray with Terrific Signs
We Celebrated Women’s Equality Day on ZOOM, August 21, 2021
Meeting Recording (1 hr, 26 min):
PBC Juneteenth Celebration, June 19, 2021
PBC NOW was proud to support and attend the Celebration!
Pride Market, June 5, 2021
It was a beautiful day with 90+ tents offering shade to vendors and hundreds of visitors. Everyone who approached the PBC NOW and FAU NOW tent at the PRIDE Market wanted to purchase a t-shirt!!! FAU NOW t-shirt “Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic, when you could just be quiet?” And of course, the FAU NOW stickers attracted everyone’s attention!
It was an excellent venue for conversations. Congresswoman Frankel stopped by and so did Lake Worth Beach’s Mayor Betty Resch. In addition to PBC NOW and FACTS brochures, we also distributed 20+ FAU Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies brochures to interested folks. A great day!
Webinar May 22, 2021: Punishing the Victims: How the Courts Re-Victimize Families When They Report Abuse
To bring attention to the issues, PBC NOW and FACTS held a demonstration against court handling of domestic violence on May 13.
Earlier this year, USA Today published an investigative series titled “Florida blames mothers when men batter them – then takes away their children”. It focused on the child welfare system of Florida, exposing a well-established practice of removing children from mothers who seek help from an abusive relationship. Families Against Court Travesties, Inc. (FACTS), being committed to educating the public on these issues, is continuing the conversation with a panel of Family Court officials and litigants, set for May 22. FACTS was created by NOW board members in 2003 and continues to observe proceedings in both Family and Dependency Courts.
Outstanding Feminist of the Year Award of 2020 + 2021: PBC Commissioners Melissa McKinlay and Maria Sachs

2020 Black History Month Panel

Jim Bonfiglio, on the left holding an ERA round, is a long-time NOW member
National Day of Action to Stop Abortion Bans, May 21, 2019, Delray Beach
125 demonstrators participated in the National Day of Action to Stop Abortion Bans on May 21st. They gathered at 5:00 PM in Delray Beach in front of the County Courthouse. The indefensible attacks on women’s choice and women’s right to protect their reproductive health were addressed from different perspectives. We heard strong legislative messages from FL Senator Lori Berman, Congresspersons Lois Frankel and Alcee Hastings, Dr. Joan Waitkevicz spoke from her medical expertise, and Rabbi Barry Silver invited faith leaders Pastor James Copas and Buddhist Monk Kathleen Bishop Shokai who moved us with their ardent insistence on the aspects of freedom. Others who expressed their concerns and told their stories were Lori Mosher, Claudia Mendoza, and Michael Cantrell. Special thanks to Mark Offerman for designing our flyer, securing police protection and providing equipment, all within 3 short days.
We have a large collection of photos as well as two videos courtesy of Rolando Chang Barrero via the Hola Palm Beach Talk Show! Here is the album, which is also on our Facebook page:
Photos: National Day of Action, Delray Beach
Pride Fest 2019
All People’s Day, March 24, 2019
Joan W. and Lindsay B. the Rally to protest Session’s firing at the WPC Courthouse, early November 2018
Immigration Panel, April 21, 2018
The Palm Beach County Chapter of the National Organization for Women hosted an important program, Immigration: Everybody’s Issue on Saturday, April 21 at the Delray Beach Public Library at 100 West Atlantic Avenue from 11-12:30 PM. We assembled an extraordinary panel who form the Palm Beach County-Coalition for Immigration Rights:
- Julia Montejo, a Dreamer who can speak to her status and the turmoil other DACA families are currently enduring.
- Victoria Mesa-Estrada, Attorney at Law for Florida Legal Services .
- Adriana Gonzalez, Attorney for Personal Injuries.
- Barbara Eriv, Chair of the LWVPBC Immigration Committee.
Due to decades of a broken system of immigration in our country and an ugly history of discrimination, the rights of immigrants have been severely compromised. This dire situation has been shamefully exacerbated by the Trump Administration’s cruel tactics of xenophobia, mass deportations, and unchecked abuse from federal officials, and much more. It is imperative for all of us to become aware of the unique abuses suffered by immigrants, particularly women, in the political, economic, labor and social spheres in FL and across the U.S today. To help us understand how we can support legislation to protect immigration rights.
Pride Parade, 2018
City of Delray Beach, August 2017
Pride Parade, June 2017
Give ‘Em Health Rally, June 2017
The Susan B. Anthony Luncheon, February 2017
Women’s March, January 21, 2017
Women’s March (actually, rally) in West Palm Beach, coordinated with the massive one in DC and all over the world–even Antarctica!
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