Elderly, homeless women are removed from John Prince Park tent city. “I have no family, I have nowhere to go” said Brenda 55 and Dominie 62 years old.Palm Beach Count NOW National Organization for Women and the League of Women Voters planned a panel discussion on “Senior Women & Safety” for March 28th. It was cancelled due to Covid-19. Speakers were from the State Attorneys office and AVDA, Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse, and the Lord’s Place.The program was to bring attention to the issue of senior women, poverty and homelessness. Women who have been underpaid all their lives which also leads to reduced Social Security. Many have outlived their resources.The county is doing their best, but over 50% of our budget goes to the Sheriff’s department and increases yearly, even in these lean times. Instead of spending almost half a million dollars on high end opulent offices, maybe they could use this money to help these desperate women who will be living on the streets in one of the most affluent counties in Florida.Sheila Jaffe, Membership & WiN NOW inc President
National Organization for Women
Palm Beach County Chapter
Ph: 561-239-9089