Palm Beach Post, Letter to the Editor
Health care plan will hit women hardest
When I had breast cancer, I was forced to deal with a pre-existing condition and the abysmal Florida High-Risk Insurance Pool. And as always, women are hit with the hardest choices by the “13 old men” in the Senate who created this Trumpcare catastrophe. If passed, women will go back to the days when we paid more for the same health coverage as men. We will also be charged five times more when we reach our 50s, which is the most vulnerable age for women to develop breast cancer.
Planned Parenthood would be defunded even though the Hyde Amendment prevents federal taxpayer money to be used to fund abortions. Poor women on Medicaid would not receive prevention, diagnosis or treatment. They would be abandoned, and many will die.
Would the 13 men on the Senate task force want this fate for their mothers, wives or sisters?