Statement by NOW President Toni Van Pelt:
WASHINGTON, D.C.— Stephen Moore, Donald Trump’s announced choice for the Federal Reserve Board, called it a “travesty” that women “feel free” to play sports with men.
In a series of columns published in National Review from 2001-2003, Moore wrote that women should not be permitted to referee or announce games, or even sell beer.
“Here’s the rule change I propose,” Moore wrote in March 2002. “No more women refs, no women announcers, no women beer vendors, no women anything.” He went on to say there was “an exception” to this rule if the women are attractive and wear halter tops.
In another column, Moore complained about his wife voting for Democrats, writing, “Women are sooo malleable! No wonder there’s a gender gap.” He also criticized female athletes advocating for pay equality, writing that they wanted “equal pay for inferior work.”
This is the man Donald Trump wants to determine our economic policy. His nomination was already under a cloud due to a contempt of court sanction against him for shorting his ex-wife on more than $300,000 in alimony, child support and the balance of their divorce settlement.
Donald Trump thinks he can populate the U.S. government the way he picks golf partners at Mar-a-Lago. He surrounds himself with sycophants and ideologues who similarly embrace his sexism, misogyny, and anger. Trump’s nominees do not need to be qualified—so long as they praise him, pledge slavish loyalty, and share his attitudes towards women.
NOW ardently rejects this nomination and urges all Americans to tell Donald Trump not to put Stephen Moore in the driver’s seat on economic policy. He’s a danger to us all.
NOW Press, [email protected], 202-570-4745