National Organization for Women
Women & Religion, Wednesday October 10, 6:00 – 7:30 pm Delray Library, 100 W. Atlantic
Free and open to the public
Religion is a personal and widespread experience in the lives of most women. Religious texts include many instances of violence against women, and this practice is reinforced through instruction on male dominance such as ““Wives be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord.” Such a belief system can lead to abuse and violence against women—and also stifle a woman’s resources, as some religious communities seek to uphold the sanctity of marriage over women’s safety in matters of domestic violence.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In this program, our co-president, Jennifer Cunha, a religious cult and domestic violence survivor, will explore religious teachings and community practices that can expose women to higher rates of abuse as well as Religious Trauma Syndrome. She, along with others, will share their stories of how they found freedom after escaping religion and abuse.
NOTE: Changed from original date of Oct. 20
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