Sexual Harassment: Everyone’s Issue this
Saturday, March 3 at the Delray Beach Public Library at
100 West Atlantic Avenue from
We are in the midst of correcting an insidious pattern of behavior that has seriously damaged and impacted the lives of untold numbers of women, children and men in our country. To address this overdue outcry of sexual abuse we will read statements from U.S. Representatives Lois Frankel and Ted Deutch, ACLU Mark Schneider will present a sociological framework seeking a balance between egregious offenses and “witch hunts,” Geoff Kashdan, a single father raising two daughters will offer a male perspective, and the River Phoenix Center for Peace Building founder, Heart Phoenix (mother of actors Juaquin and River) and Jeffrey Weisberg (proponent of Restorative Justice) will describe ways to evolve this scourge into the cultural change we need.
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