Maybe someone you know identifies as Trans, gender fluid or non-binary. Do you wonder what they mean? Do you or anyone you know needs to be more “woke” in this shifting culture?
Then please join us for two educational and entertaining 90-minute sessions of LGBT Cultural Competency Workshops with Compass Community Center via Zoom. Compass has been serving the LGBTQ+ community in Palm Beach County for over 30 years. A Compass colleague will lead the workshops and Beck Andre’ will moderate. The presenter, Michael Riordan, is a transgender woman. Throughout the presentation Michael interweaves her personal story and experience within the themes and information that will be discussed. The results are workshops that gain high reviews from all who have attended in the past. Workshop topics include Trans information, gender expression including non-binary and gender fluidity, and expressions of sexuality. Plenty of time for questions, comments and answers will be built in for us.
Below is the information to join the scheduled Zoom meeting.
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