WHAT: Rally for the Ag Reserve and the right to life in Israel
WHEN: Monday October 16, 2023 at 7:00
WHERE: The Movies of Delray on Hagen Ranch and Atlantic Ave
WHO: All people who support nature, agriculture and human life
WHY: To stand in solidarity to protect our way of life and our values
I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Nobel Prize winner and conscience of humanity. Elie Wiesel
Let’s listen to the horses in the equestrian areas of our county, hold our horses on new development and use horse sense in the Ag Reserve. Let’s stop horsing around with developers and pull in the reins on the cancer ofuncontrolled growth. Let us respect our “Neigh”bors, reject this “Neigh”farious project and just say “Neigh” to replacing farmland with over 1200 homes against the will of the citizens who voted to preserve agriculture,natural areas, the aquifer and our quality of life in Palm Beach County.
We urge the United States to join the fight to defeat terrorism. Let people of all political parties, religions, nations and backgrounds unite in support of human life, freedom and the right of all people to live together in peace.
Am Yisroel Chai
Please join us! This exciting event will be like the last one that was held at the Civic Center on August 9, but better. It will have less speakers and will be more focused, entertaining and inspiring for progressives who could benefit from uniting and networking with others who are fighting similar battles to protect our democracy, our precious planet and the rights we hold dear.
We will give our community the chance to take action about critical issues such as signing petitions to protect abortion rights and the Ag Reserve and we will encourage everyone to join groups such as NOW, the Sierra Club and other progressive event sponsors who are fighting for us all.
Rabbi Barry Silver
For more information contact Rabbi Barry Silver at (561) 302-1818 or [email protected]